Thursday, November 14, 2013

Stop the Silence:


Many survivors have told me that they wish their mother
had read my book. I would suggest you buy my book for them.
Let them write in it. Underline things and cross out stuff.
It is in the second edition which means an introduction
has been added and also a section for beginning conversations.
Let's talk about it. I would also invite "mothers of survivors" to contact me.
This has been helpful to discuss and support one another.
Each day more and more mothers are in the spot we have been in.
We are strong. We have voices and we love our children.
You can do this. We can't do it alone. Our faith is the biggest contributor
but this is a start.
Walk into any bookstore and order it today.
And I thank you and the Survivor's Healing Center thanks you.


  1. Hi Emalou,
    I too am a mother of a survivor of the incest that took place in our home via my husband(her stepfather).
    I know first hand the devastation and pain this causes a family and the victim of such a crime.

    I also know what it feels like to be a battered abused wife at the hands of the man who was not only my husband and abuser to me, but also the one who violated my precious girl. My daughter who had a right to be safe in her home.

    I know pain, fear, blaming myself for bringing him into our home, a brokenness unimaginable. Yet it was real and it happened to us.

    I also know the Lord and all He has done for me in putting the broken pieces of me back together again. He gave me the strength to go on. He has been painting a new picture for my life since that time.

    In the years that have followed the road to healing has spanned over 17 years. This is a subject I will forever be passionate about. I am so glad I stumbled on this blog today and your book"Under my roof"(which I intend to purchase).

    Please if possible I would like to communicate with you via email.

    Thank you,

  2. So nice meeting you, Leigha. We can continue communicating on email and my address is:

    Where do you live? I am in California. Just wondering. This heinous crime is happening all over the world and continues. It is impossible to make it through all of this without God. So glad to hear that your faith has helped put the pieces back. Would love to hear more from you. Blessings+

  3. I am in Toronto Ontario (Canada). This is a heinous crime and yes is happening all over the world. As you say continues in unfortunately record numbers. We as mothers need stand together. I think writing the book you did is fantastic. So many will feel less alone as they read it. God can use this book of truth you have written.
    In our case, it has been a long journey uphill from that dark time. As I say though, God is good , yet our lives were changed forever because of such a horrible crime touching our lives.

    I too would love to talk to you further. I am a writer and in the process of writing my own story.

    Would also like to talk to you about joining you in your mission to help other families who suffer.
    Any suggestions?
