Friday, April 6, 2012

Good Friday:

Cristo De Limpias

I bought this bust for my mother years ago at Christmas.
She sat stunned beside my father hardly able to look at it.
When she got home she put it back in the box up on the shelf in the closet.

It wasn't until my father died a few years later that she took it down. She said the face
of Christ truly understood how saddened she was with the loss of my father.
Then she placed it on the dresser in my old room and made an altar.

Every morning she went in there and said morning prayers.
It became part of her daily ritual.

There is an absolutely wonderful story connected with this statue.
Just google Cristo De Limpias and read it on this Good Friday, 2012.
Do you have a ritual or a designated space where you pray or keep religious memorabilia? Hope you find one.

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