Saturday, April 14, 2012

Where's George:

Where's George ?

If you find a bill and it has that question stamped on it...
Go to the web site dot com, join and then register the bill.
You say where you got it and when and then go out and spend it so it's back on its way again.
You will get feed back eventually and see how far your bill traveled.
It sounded fun and I have always been curious!

Here's what I now know.
My series 2006 - 9B one dollar bill spent 3 years, 220 days, 19 hours and 48 minutes on the road
traveling 149 miles total.

Where was George?
"A stripper gave me this for change at Centerfolds in San Francisco, California."

Centerfolds is a premier nude strip club in the historic North Beach area.
On the reviews, the dancers were reported to be rude. (red flag) I
question the age and background of the girls and how many of the dancers had been
molested before they turned 18?  Are they still victims?
Does our society have blinders on? Look around. Remember the stats...
one out of 3 girls and one out of 6 boys are molested.

I'm sorry George didn't end up in a collection basket at some church. That dollar would have been
of better use. But I have to break the silence here too. Don't be afraid to talk about this stuff.  
April is the National  Child Abuse Awareness month. 
Help in the fight against child sexual abuse. 

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