Monday, September 23, 2013


Emalou King, RN, BSN, Phn, of Soquel, active advocate and supporter of the Survivor's Healing Center of Santa Cruz has a second edition of her book entitled "Under My Roof: A Mother's Story of the Heinous Crime of Incest" (169 pages, Trade paperback) has been released by local publisher, Six Degrees Publishing, this week. The first edition was released as an eBook in 2010. The new second edition includes an Introduction which addresses the uptick in reported abuse cases, such as the Jerry Sandusky case, and a series of reflective question to assist the reader, groups and book clubs by opening conversations about the recognition and the signs of sexual abuse, bringing about an end to it, and beginning the healing process.
King began writing her memoir after attending writing workshops held by local best-selling author, Ellen Bass who coauthored with Laura Davis "The Courage to Heal" (reissued 2008, NY, Collins Living). Royalties from the sale of the "Under My Roof" ebook, and now the print edition, go to the Survivor's Healing Center in Santa Cruz, a program of the Family Service Agency of the Central Coast.
 "Under My Roof" will be available through bookstores and online throughout the US, Canada, EU, UK and Australia. King accepts speaking engagements and book signings in the future.
For more information contact and visit

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