Sunday, July 26, 2015


We have an awesome God and "awesome" should be reserved only for Him! He made heaven and earth and the beautiful things in it. Everything God does for us, He does for the love of us.

This bird is beautiful, noisy, and attracting all sorts of attention in Moss Landing this morning.

He waits for his master to come back and he squawks to let everyone know it!

We were given voices for a reason. Do you use it? Do you? I am squawking about childhood sexual abuse! I am plain disgusted. I want to live in a place where it no longer exists. Would you help me by talking about prevention and reporting with your children? It's your new job!

Thank you from the child of a senseless crime. You changed their world.


dyannne said...

Keep squawking, Emalou! You're doing good work.

Emalou King said...

Thank you Dyanne. Would you be interested in serving with me on the Friends of Survivors? We are always looking to add more to this steering committee. We meet once a month...the first tuesdayor Wednesday. Wanted to ask you. Haven't seen you for a long time.
Blessings, Emalou